Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of common questions that are asked. If you have additional questions please contact us and we will be happy to supply the answers you need.
Head Start is a comprehensive program for children and their families. Children with disabilities are encouraged to enroll. We offer three programs for children and families:
Home-Based: A home based teacher, child, and family work together to provide activities and experiences designed to meet the child’s needs in the home environment for 1.5 hours.
Center-Based: A teacher and assistant teacher provide an experience designed to meet each child’s needs in the classroom. Class sessions are full-day for 6 hours, Monday-Friday and half-day for 3.5 hours, Monday – Thursday.
Childcare is an extension to our Early Head Start and Head Start classes. It allows parents the option to pay for extended hours of childcare before and after regular class hours. This covers 6:00am-9:00am and 3:00pm-6:00pm. This option is offered for working parents. Parents can apply for childcare funding through the Department of Job and Family Services.
Developmental screenings, hearing, vision, dental exam and treatment, lead testing, hemoglobin testing, parenting classes, and various training opportunities. Transportation to the center may be provided for eligible children and each child receives a free snack, breakfast and/or hot lunch daily. Field trips and family days are scheduled throughout the year.
- Families income must be at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
- Families/children experiencing homelessness or who are in foster care are also eligible.
- Children with a disability may also qualify.
- Services available for children age birth – five years of age
- Service are available to families/children that live or work in Allen County
No, there is no charge for Head Start.
Parents are involved in decision making and in carrying out the program’s activities. Parents serve on Parent Policy Council, parenting groups, and work as volunteers in the classroom. They also help to develop educational and social activities for their children.
During the application process, you will need the following information:
- Proof of Income (case status sheet or W-2)
Additional information needed includes:
- Physical or Well-Baby Checks
- Child’s Birth Certificate or a copy
Updated Shot Record - Custody Papers (if any)
- Parent & Child’s Social Security Card
- Documentations of Special Needs (if any)
- Medical Card (if any)